Creative one-off documentary, 51 min., 2020

Born in the US, Brendan was an adventurous anthropologist who used to travel around the world to study foreign cultures and people. Right until he met Ida, the love of his life, in Denmark and became the father of their child. Unable to find a job in Denmark, Brendan finds himself on a parental leave with a wild toddler, while his wife brings home the bacon. It´s a new role and a relationship that completely absorbs him, isolates him and rips him off all of his previous identity as a cool American anthropologist and intellectual traveler. Being a daddy is a full-time job and it´s overwhelming to handle bringing up his energetic, ever-exploring, hungry baby daughter, Bird. When his second child Luke arrives, the everyday chaos and workload has Brendan see his own mother who abandoned the family when he was little, in an entirely new light.

As they throw themselves into it, the life, the toddlers and their dad, each with their own specific perspective, a relationship and bond emerges right in the middle of stressed morning routines and fatigue. “There should be another word for this than love”, says Brendan, as he explores streets, benches, parks and playgrounds in Copenhagen with Bird and Luke, facing that this relationship challenges everything he ever was and knew.

Director Lars Emil Leonhard

Cinematographer Lars Emil Leonhardt

Sound Design Sune Kaarsberg

Editing Lars Emil Leonhardt & Brendan Cooney

Executive Producer Vibeke Vogel

With Brendan Cooney, Ida Buhl, Hannah and Luke

Sales inquiries contact Bullitt Film